Its been close to a week since I've been here and I've missed y'all. Saving the world does take up a lot of my time but I'll never be too busy for OFGS! I'll be telling you a little about us women of the future today. I'm proud to call me a woman of the future cos Im pretty sure that us women will dominate this world pretty soon as we've begun to get our act together much more in the last few months/years. hehehe no offense to the men, the truth is what it is, honeys.
A little advice to the sexys who are still taking their time figuring it out: Please let your pretty head be working overtime and how to get ur act together ASAP as the world doesnt wait for ppl who have no idea where they're going. This applies to both men and women.. I feel like if you dont have any plans and ur the type of person who doesnt decide what they wanna get out of their day/week/month (also known as the anything goes/ laid back/ goal-less indiv.) dont be too shocked when you get nothing and amount to nothing. Its plain simple, if you're driving car and ur not steering the wheel ( that is tantamount to suicide btw), then every bump on the road has the potential to send u flying in a million directions....
What should you do as a woman/man of the future:
- Have goals! One short-term goal every week is a way to start urself on the upward path to achievement and success
-Eliminate high effort/ low result stuff i.e prioritize w/ ur goal in mind. That way ur not wasting ur time chasing pipe dreams
-Surround urself w/ positive, like -minded ppl and those who can bring u up. Its easier for some1 who's standing above of you to pull u up as opposed to some1 lower than u or some1 on level ground w/ you.
- Educate urself!! there's no stronger leverage than education (at least none that i know of) They say the man who doesnt read isnt better than the guy who cant. In my opinion, he's worse off cos he can but he chooses not to
- Connect w/ the big G: this should be a no-brainer for any1 who actually plans on doing anything significant w/ their life. God is who you need and he's always there so get pluged into ur source
- Enjoy life! Study smart, Pray often, Party hard, Love deep and be sexy!!!
Have a great week and enjoy Easter Monday! Jesus is the reason for the season.. not the easter bunny.
luvz it! so u have sense (jk)xx