Thursday, July 2, 2009


been gone for a minute, now I'm back with the jump off,
Goons in the club in case somethin jumps off...

All we wanna do is party,
And buy everybody at the bar Bacardi,
Black Barbie dressed in Bvlgari
trying to leave in somebody's Ferrari
Spread love that's what a real ma do
Keep it gangsta look out for my people...

We the best still there's room for improvement
our presence is felt like a black panther movement.."

lol.. sorry for the randomness, the song was in my head... but yea, i know i've been gone for a minute... my bad. why? Um.. I was on Okay, thats a dumb excuse.. I was jus plain lazy, there I said it! haha. I did write a bunch of stuff though, but just too lazy to post on here... anyways, hope y'all forgive me, and i promise (to try) not to do so again. :-)

Like I said, I have a bunch of back-dated ish to put up.. and may do that sometime soon... A LOT of stuff has happened since I was last on here.. Some of which I may not be able to say just yet, but will definitely keep y'all posted...

Well I g2g now :-( .. Just thought I should say a quick hello.. Oh, yea, before I go, just want to say R.I.P to the King of Pop, Mr. Michael Jackson...

To end on a lighter/happier note, did anyone see the BET awards on Sunday?! Like WTF,
from Weezy perfomance with some seriously under-aged girls (i don't care if they were his daughter and her friends) to Ciara's performance.. Like really, how much did she buy her record deal for? I coulda sung that song way better and I don't even sing.. She killed the song.. and not in a good way at all.. She should stick to dancing. And Joe Jackson.... smh like really, self-promoting how many days after his son's death.. not in good taste. But for the most part it was a good show. Loved Jaime and Ne-Yo!!! And my baby daddy, Tyrese... *sighs*.. let's just say I slept well that anyways, got to go make sense of some physics assignment... will be back later in the day... 'till then, remain sexy, people.

*the ever sexy mrs. t. gibson*


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