So.... Has anyone seen Erykah Badu's ' Window Seat' video?? Dang that woman has got a booty on (sue me, i'm an 'ass girl', I am fascinated by and appreciate a good 'dunk' and she's got an awesome one) but seriously though, if you look beyond the nudity and try to get the message that she is trying to communicate, she's actually spot on. People do not readily accept individuality and they tend to adopt popular/conventional thought/belief and take it as it is given, with out taking the time out to think if it actually is right/wrong for them. Most human beings are confined to a box, and seldom exercise their right to thing outside of it.
Don't get me wrong, I think 'Group think', (the topic of the video), can be a good thing... imagine a world in which there were no laws/rules and people were allowed to do as they pleased/thought right... I mean, if everyone was like me (lol) the world would be a MUCH better place, it'd almost be like heaven on earth... But the reality is that there are a lot of twisted, psycho people out there, people whose moral compasses' are screwed and who would more likely than not fuck things up (Hitler/Bin Laden/etc)
People should not conform, they should exercise their creativity in ways that would help, not destroy or damage the world. I have been called a 'rebel' (lol-imagine, lil' ol' me..) because I refuse to do as told/expected (mostly cos i don't see the point/ other times cos i just can't be bothered) But i'm like, it's my life, i should be able to live it how i want, you know, without people judging my every move/decision.... Sure I may fuck up every now and then (okay most of the I do appreciate it when people who truly love/care for me call me out on my bullshit- as in I'd probably be more screwed up without y'all.. but at the same time some people are just useless, with hurtful intentions... these people can like to.... yea. lol
So back to the video/song.... I think it takes major balls to strip like that, for real. and i applaud Ms. Badu for that. She's also very talented and shot the video in one shot, no retakes. My only 'qualm' is that she did it in the same place that JFK was like assassinated, and that might have been a tad disrespectful.. but i get it all the same. I love her though, been a fan ever since I can remember, and have you heard the woman speak, like in interviews and such? she really knows her stuff, no surprise her songs actually do say something and make sense..
Anyways, I'm out.. (this post was longer than i had anticipated for it to be).. need to go catch up on sleep I will post a video of one of my fav. Badu songs.. 'Bag Lady'... I'm sure I will 'dissect' the song in a later post.. Oh and 'Tyrone' is another good song... Anyways, Enjoy!
*the very sexy 'rebel'*
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