This is a question I ask myself daily and I am now posing to you. When oh when, daughters of Zion, are you going to stop settling and start making choices?
When I say choices, I mean active choices that reflect what you want and not what you think you can do ok wit. Key word here is OK How many people wanna do just OK in life? You just wanna do OK, not great?? Didn’t think so. So why on God’s green earth do you go about making OK choices? Can you please be proactive about your own life? I mean, I mean even if you don’t care about other people can you please care about yourself???
What exactly is she on about? , You ask. Well, my question is why do women settle? I’ve been asking myself this question for about a week now. And it just won’t leave me, no mater how hard I try to suppress it so I decided to devote some time to address it.
If you have a man that is not who/what you want, can you please dump him?? Like right now, for real. Can you just save us all the trouble? By us I mean the entire body of individuals who call themselves women on the face of this earth. If he doesn’t make you happy now, why do you think he will make you happy later on?? A smart woman once said about shopping that the store is where you like it best. Please women, open your eyes and brains and please realize that the store is synonymous to the relationship you’re in now if you’re not already hitched. Anybody who makes you cry yourself to sleep or puts you in one of those moods that gives you that stank attitude you usually put on for no damn reason is not worth it. Why? Because I believe that women should stop cutting men some slack like they are some extinct creature that needs to be preserved. A simple tip for you: Treat your ‘man’ (boyfriend, FB, FWB, jump-off, fiancĂ© e.t.c or whatever it is you call him, all na the same) like you would one of your friends. Extend the same respect to him and expect the same back and see what changes. I doubt any of you ladies will keep a friend who makes you cry or makes you feel like crap close to you. Some of you would avoid said friend like the plague (If you don’t, you need some one-on-one time with my friend Oyinwa, she’ll shrink you till you’re normal once again). So why oh why do these male appendages get privileges, sometimes even without proving themselves? Then you wonder why you’re always getting hurt…. KMT
In the words of another one of my friends, it’s because women are always doing the most. What does it mean to do the most? Doing the most means you are excessively invested in something to the point where you begin to embarrass yourself (caveat: for those of you who still have some shame left; Lord knows many ladies can’t even pretend to have any left). When you do the most, may I just point out to you that you end up looking damned THIRSTY! (I will not go into what the specifics of being ‘thirsty’ are today. That will be addressed on a different day and through a different medium.
When will you ladies start reading the writings that have been on the wall since the Old Testament? When will the scales fall from your eyes? When will you start actively making choices instead of just settling and going with the flow? Clearly, a man who is not as reliable as one of your friends should be sacked as soon as possible. As a human being myself (I’m actually not a Martian, contrary to popular belief), I don’t believe in setting impossible standards for guys. Not because my standards aren’t high. But because one fine day just like this one, I realized that many men don’t even pass the base standards we have when we decide who will be our friends or who will be a mere acquaintance; why then bother my pretty head trying to think up new hurdles for a dog that cant seem to learn old tricks (or more aptly, cant even learn the warm-up routine?) It’s as simple as that, no need to get your panties in a wad trying to ‘test’ your man.
This naturally leads to the question of respect. Anyone with a brain in his or her skulls knows that whatever you cannot live with you should never condone. If there are things bothering you now, can you please cut yourself loose like right now?? Someone who knows they can get away with doing bad by you needs to go HOME. Like right now too. Where is it written that you need to accommodate foolwangery and settle for bullshit??? Can you please take some action and boot the dude?? When your gut tells you that you’re being disrespected/taken for granted, you probably are. So can you move on please?? Some common examples include but are not limited to:
a) Said ‘man’ is not really over his ex (this one should be a no-brainer but, cough-cough with the kind of thirst some girls are exhibiting nowadays…..)
b) Said ‘man’ does not attempt to understand/respect how you feel about certain issues
c) Said ‘man’ does not attempt to correct errant behavior when he does bad by you but expects to just roll into motion like nothing happened. E.t.c, e.t.c
Note that I do not have a solution/ trick that solves any of these issues. I just know that if any of the above scenarios looks anything like yours, you do NOT have a man, so go ahead and live your life as though you were SINGLE. In actual fact, you probably are already on the way there so get some practice, ok. I’m not recommending bar/bed-hopping or any ungodly behavior; what I’m saying rather is that you should begin to make choices that will make you happy. Take charge of your own damn life and body, sack the losing bastard and reward yourself. When you are done with all of this, you will find that you are not so damn thirsty anymore (at least I’d like to hope). And this will be a good thing because thirsty is/was never a good place to be.
Kudos people,
The Martian :-)
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