Okay, so i finally decided to stop procrastinating and work on this diet/fitness post.. Yayy me.. Part of or the main reason I decided to get off my arse and do it was to hopefully motivate myself in the process of writing it (there's a psychological term for this which escapes my conscious thought right now..damn.lol) but yea. Here goes..
It's summer time, the sun is out and its time to bring out them bikinis and skimpy bathing suits. Thing is not every body is summer ready.. Some bodies need a little tweak/work.lol. Sike.. That's bs and a load of crap. If you're tryna lose weight or get ripped, do it for personal/health reasons as opposed to 'its summer, i suppose' flex muscle for beach'.. haha
Basically what i'm going to do, (and i'll let y'all know if it works, cos like i said, i'm trying to change myself for 'health' (lol) reasons too), is watch what i eat (*coughs*) and try to do double time on my workouts. I have a goal, to lose a bunch of weight (say, about 50-60lbs)-lol. And to become well fit in the process.
My 'advice' lol to people tryna do the same thing would be to do cardio 3-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes each time. Cardio could be such exercises as walking/running/jogging or you could take any of the various aerobics classes available to you- those can be fun. Just be consistent. It also helps to do some form of resistance training a couple times a week. For extra 'conditioning' or toning.
On the diet side, cut out simple sugar, and uneccesary fats from the diet. Now, don't go and overdo it by cutting out carbs altogether, because carbs provide the body with energy needed to workout! An engine needs gas to run.. Protein is also extremely important, especially if you're trying to build muscle. You need about 1g of protein/kg of body weight (or if you do your weight in lbs, divide by 2 to get amount of grams of protein needed/day)- lol.. I know I sound like a nutrition geek right now.. But it's good, I should.. took a class on nutrition last semester.. Can't let all that good knowledge go to waste now, can we?.lol.
In conclusion, (lol) losing or gaining weight is all about getting the calorie balance/equation right. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain, if you eat less, you might lose. To maintain weight eat same as you burn. Also if you work with heavy weights frequently you will gain size/muscle (trust me, I know this from personal experience) So it's all about what you want. Decide what you want for your body, come up with a plan and work towards it. You are more than likely going to fuck up at some point. Don't beat yourself up about it, and don't use that as an excuse to quit (avoid the abstinence violation effect).
If you have any questions (lol) hit me up.. You can do so (lol) via twitter/facebook/bbm/email/sms text/telephone call… (haha- damn, i make myself laugh unnecessarily) anyways, yea, fitness is one of the few things that I am passionate about, so it will be a pleasure to answer any questions. Plus if there is anyway you think you could motivate/inspire ME more, please get at me and do so asap!!, it would be greatly appreciated and I would love you unconditionally for it… Because I won't lie, there are times when i don't feel like working out.. even though I know I should. And i can be the worst trash eater too.. Constantly in want of a workout/diet buddy, who would challenge and push me and also be like my sponsor (like in AA..) So yea, hollerrrr!haha
~the fit and ever so sexy~
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