Thursday, November 11, 2010

Days #4&5

First of, my bad for not posting yesterday... was mad tired, and the very thought of looking for my laptop and typing just made me want to cry...haha but yea, i shall try to write about the skipped day all the same, even though its like a blur now and i don't remember much (yes, i know it was just yesterday)

Day 4- like i said, i don't remember much... just know i titled my workout 'reverse cowgirl in slow motion'.. haha.. No, i wasn't listening to T-Pain while i was working out.. nor is it what y'all probably thinking.. It was just very... well very retarded/backwards.. and slow too.. took me twice as long to complete the workout..spent an hour doing a 30 minute workout.. tell me how that makes sense.. *sigh*

Day 5- aka today.. went umm not so good to be honest. So like i had to write a list of like what i ate for a few days, sort of like a diet journal, and when i showed it to one of my trainers, she was appalled. She described it as 'horrible' lol.. said i was eating all the things i wasn't supposed to eat and that granted i may train hard, but might as well not be doing anything considering the way i eat.. For one she was like 'candy is not food'..haha.. and that i eat too much sugar/empty calories. darn.. she was also like she wonders how i'm not constantly hungry, as i don't really eat much but sugar.. I never looked at it that way before.. so yea.. gotta work on that (again). The workout today was rather mediocre.. could have done more/gone harder.. but i didn't. I think i'm getting lazy/losing my mojo... what to do.. I might need workout therapy to rekindle my love for the game haha.. oh well..

Anyways.. gotta go now.. need to do work, then catch up on sleep... hopefully will post again tomorrow.. Now that I think about it, I know mad stuff happened on wednesday (day 4) i just can't remember right now.. oh well.. Au revoir.

the ever so sexy

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