Friday, February 18, 2011
Asanwa Asanwa Asanwa, baby!
This is gonna be short and sweet. One of my friends just got me hip to Ikwerre music mehn. Them delta peeps take enjoyment to another level. Like they have joy mehn.... Peep this song, dude just sounds mad happy to be singing about this ibo chic called obianuju.. makes me wanna learn ibo.. like i've actually been calling myself asanwa baby all over the place.. lol
Why he says 17, 18 , 19 at the end is beyond me but that's ok... the song is dope!!!
Here's to all my asanwa babies: it's a beautiful beautiful day in the district!!! Enjoy :) :)
The Martian
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Beating myself up again...oh damn
Anyhowsers, I just remembered some particular songs that helped me get through said time and I'm putting them up:
In the meantime though, the moment has passed and I'm back on world domination P. I did get extremely good news last week that may just have helped me decide where I'll end up in the next few months but I'm waiting for the D-day in March to see if I get even better news. I'm pretty stoked right now though...
But back to homework though...
The Martian :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Love Letter
My love letter…
There’s no question of Your greatness,
nor searching of Your power
Oh the wonder of Your glory,
to You forty years is but one hour
Your knowledge is all encompassing,
to Your wisdom there is no end…
Oh, for You alone are God.
You are God alone.
Your mercy is everlasting; Your truth is here always
You are He who was and is and is to come…
Who is He that can number Your days?
You flung the sun to burn in space,
and the night’s moon powers light from day.
Oh, You alone... You’re God. You’re God.
You’re everything I need.
You are God alone.
-Marvin Sapp
Okay, I didn’t write that, but it’s the way I feel. I couldn’t have said it better as I don’t quite have the prowess of manipulating words in that manner or to that extent… not yet... but yea, that’s my heart.
Its funny how like I go from talking about things that are ‘bad’, to expressing emotions and feelings of strong anger.. to Spiritual things. I try not to talk about the latter on here for that very reason… because I know that I’m far from perfect and I don’t want people to go, “But she does blah blah, and now she’s talking this and that” but you know what, it’s my blog ( so I can write what I like, and like I keep reiterating, I’m human, I’m bound to mess up. And like yea… I just had to write that, guess why… cos He is God alone! Haha
That is all sexys.
Have a Blessed day.
~the ever so sexy~
ps: the ‘letter’ is an excerpt from a song by Marvin Sapp (one of my favorite recording artists) ‘You are God alone’ of his album, the 'Diary of a Psalmist'. If you didn’t hear it yet, you should give it a listen.. and also listen to Kirk Franklin’s new joint ‘Smile’… Love it! God Bless
Monday, February 14, 2011

Lol.. okay, lemme just say it now and let it out and over with… I hate valentines day!!!!lol. that felt good. Now, don’t get it twisted, I am not a hater, neither am I jealous that I haven’t got anyone to ‘val’ or to ‘val’ me… it's just that I hate the commercialization of the occasion (if you wanna call it that). I love the concept of taking one day out of the year to make someone special feel special, that makes sense to me, and if buying flowers and candy is your way of expressing what you feel, kudos. But I think people trivialize it (it being valentine’s day) for some reason, I don’t think its genuine anymore... it’s like Christmas, most of the time people get so caught up in the festivities that they forget the real ‘reason for the season’ (as cliché as that is to say). So its not that I hate valentines day per se, its just… why can’t it be valentine’s day everyday? Why do we need people/culture to make us remember the need to make someone feel special?lol… And they say oao is cold-hearted… my heart is as soft as caramel y’all… forget what you heard… lmao.. okay, that made even me laugh, but you get my point, right? Anyways, now that I’m done with the prelude, lemme get on to the real post…
In honor of love or (lovers’) day, I dedicate this post to the love of my life… Who’s been here for me ever since I can remember, and I can honestly say

It’s kinda weird, because usually on Valentine’s Day, I have this playlist of my favorite love songs that I listen to nonstop… But this year, maybe because I’m at a different stage in life, or because I didn’t have the time, I haven’t made a proper one yet. I mean, I have a makeshift one, of about 10 songs, but considering I usually have hundreds of songs… lol. I don’t know, I guess my soul wants to celebrate Him who deserves to be celebrated the most today (and every other day for that matter.. but I digress). I know and confess I need to spend more time with Him so that I better understand Him… but I’m human… and I tend to umm… for lack of a better phrase or word, mess up and slack off and let other things get in the way.. *sigh* need to fix that… But yea… Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!! Tell someone you love them today. And also do something special for yourself too, because like 'L'oreal', you're worth it. ;) Haha
Ps: a special valentines day shout out to all my other loves, lovers and friends and grown&sexy people.. and also to my extra special valentine.. ;) :*
the everly sexy
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My Un-selfish Brother
But hearing him say that reminded me of how considerate Aldmoni is. Segun Oyefule is the most considerate human being I know, swear down. And you only have to be home with me during the Christmas holidays to verify this. This is what our daily bbm exchange looks like in December:
Me: Oga/aldmoni/Segun how far with today/tonight?
Me: We should do something. Lets go to xyz (somewhere that's absurdly far)
Me: NOOOOOOO...... You're ruining my vacation.. Your mother is killing me in this house... I really want to go to xyz. It'll be fun I promise
Me: I'm at home. Can you come get me?
Me: Ok, I'll come to yours. I can be there in like 30 mins
Me: Thank you, thank you. I'm sleeping over at yours too. #okthanksbye
And this is pretty much what every other and the weekends look like. The funny thing is no matter how many times I ask he NEVER says no. Like NEVER... It's A-mazing when I think about it because its not like he doesnt have things to do with his time and money (of course I make him pay wherever we go.. only God knows how much I owe him. He just ignores me now when I say "I'll pay you back, I promise' cos he knows its never happening) I swear I'm sure he dreads my bbms because I'm always asking for one thing or the other. And when I leave he breathes a sigh of relief: 'thank God she's leaving, I can have my life back..' And a few days later he tweets 'So i miss my annoying sister.'
Haha, and then I tweet/bbm back: '...and I love/miss you even more'
So here's to you Chief Aldmoni: Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a good one. Remember to look out for yourself and don't over-do the martyr thingy. (at least not for other people, if its for me, its fine :) )
Love you much,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
She's back..... finally

Ok, so I'm actually blogging... Even I can't believe this. The last post I put up was in MAY 2010 and before that maybe sometime in late '09. I've been more than lazy about this blog I tell you and if not for O.A.O it probably wouldn't exist anymore. So standing O for The exercise junkie for blogging for the two years I've been AWOL...
Anyhowsers (I totally just made that word up), coming back to blogging made me realize that there are soooo many things that I start that I just abandon... You cant even begin to imagine the number of projects I've tried my hands on that I'm like...I'll get to that later or I'm so busy right now, no one would possibly expect me to focus on x, y or z... basically excuses that sound fabulous to me but in actuality are just really spineless... I'm just really tired of all my unfinished projects.....
So I decided to create a bucket list for the rest of my time in DC since imma be dipping in a few months (to where, only Jehovah knows). A lot of the things on this bucket list are things I've always wanted to do and things that I've started to do but never finished. Like this blog....
You know what I think my worst unfinished project is though? I think its relationships. I can be so gung-ho about people and all but I realize that when I get really busy, the first thing that falls off for me is communication..... And I really do try.... but it doesn't go down well with people.. I've heard people say all kind of things like 'oh, you don't care about me or anybody but yourself', 'life runs on your own schedule', 'you say you care but you do the opposite', 'you don't love me', 'you make me feel like an option' and other variations of these phrases.... *sigh*
Do you know what I tell them? 'I was thinking about you the whole time'. It sounds cheesy, but its soooooo true you have no clue. Like the whole time I've actually been thinking 'oh how is so and so doing? i miss them....' But the reality of this hit me when I lost some meaningful friendships (this is not to say that it's all been my fault, but still I like to take responsibility for my goofs). People don't know I'm 'thinking' about them no matter how much i say so because it's unprovable.
So I cut my losses and cleaned my act up. And I've begun to make an effort. And if you're one of my friends, you will notice the difference if you haven't already. It's exhausting trying be warm and fuzzy when I'm a very laissez faire person generally but I think its well worth it. At least I don't have to feel guilty anymore and try to overcompensate. ok that sounds a little self-serving... but on the realz though, relationships are richer when people care about the feelings of others, even when you feel they're being melodramatic and oversensitive. At least in my own opinion....
So the rest of senior year will be spent completing my bucket list and working on my relationship skills so I don't end up an old lonely woman with no family or friends.... (Actually, I know that wont happen cos I'll have O.A.O and @blackivory21 forever not for any other reason but for the fact that these babes are colder than... As if anybody could actually be colder than Mobobbs... (I love you both))
I'll put up the bucket list in my next post and I'll be good about my blogging, I promise....
Stay warm this weekend,
The Martian.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I believe that life is a prize,
but to live doesn't mean you're alive..
Don't worry about me and who i fire,
i get what i desire it's my empire
and yes i call the shots, i am the umpire,
i sprinkler Holy water upon the vampire…
in this very moment i'm king,
in this very moment i slay goliath with a sling
this very moment i bring, put it on everything, that i will retire with the ring..
and i will retire with the crown, yes.
no i'm not lucky i'm blessed, yes.…
#np: moment for life: Niki Minaj et Drizzy.. love the song (cos of Drake of course.. still #teamkim all day
Now onto the real post…
… Thankful
In everything, give thanks.. I shouldn't be here right now… No, I really shouldn't. Last month, i think i died for like one second…lol. I can't say what it was like, because it wasn't long enough for me to see the 'light' that everyone talks about.. It was kinda scary in retrospect, though at the time i did not think about it too much, maybe because i was too confused.. and when i try to remember now, my mind blocks it out..
then last week, i had an accident, kinda.. ran into a light pole, just before an intersection during a snow storm.. got stuck in my car for a while, had to spend the night at a stranger's house, so i didn't freeze to death, as i ran out of gas.. and the power lines had come down which caused a transformer to 'blow' or explode, and it was sparking.. trees had come down, it was dark.. the power was out at the stranger's house, so it was freezing in there too.. But you know what, i'm still thankful. The strangers, could have been serial killers, but they were actually the sweetest couple (made me think 'love' really does exist.. only for a millisecond though, before i snapped back to reality) the power lines or a tree could have come down on my car, but they didn't. I could have frozen in my car, but i didn't. I could have been abducted by mad people while i was stuck in the car, but i wasn't. was it hard? yes, it was.. was it painful, yes, it was. was i traumatized? yes, i was. I don't remember the last time i cried so much… cried all night into the morning… my eyes and my nose were sore.. and i had never been so cold in all my life nor felt so alone.. i was physically shaking, although i don't know if it was more from shock, or fear or the actual cold itself. but you know what, i'm here right now, relating this tale to y'all. and what i learned from it is strength, and that there are actually some good people left in the world.
i don't know why, but i felt like i had to share that.. i am still not 100… like i still get emotional when i remember. and i don't like driving as much. my baby (my car) was hurt pretty bad too, but just like me, she will be okay. and will soon be well enough to resume her sidekick duties…
So all in all, the moral of the story is God is good, and He is faithful. He's there through the storm and will bring you through just fine, unscathed.
And that, my dear g&s (grown and sexy) people is my testimony.. or one of them I should say. Hope this story inspired someone in one way or the other or at least made them think about things differently, and that my narrating this was not in vain.
Have a blessed day people. Be grateful.
~the blessed and always sexy~
Happy New Year... well, kinda..

I guess the saying is true, you can't please everyone.
Good day guys, my grown and sexy blog readers… how y'all been? I know its been a while, i aint wrote anything on here in a minute, and it was intentional too. The other day, a young chap said to me, "oao, i am worried about you. your posts are so dark and contain so much anger, its like you are angry at the world or something…" This made me think for a minute… this aint 'the diary of a mad black woman'.. why am i writing like one? sure, i do get angry, sometimes, but if you do know me for real, you would know that this in reality is a complete 180 from who i am 'in real life'… well not really.. The truth of the matter is that i do get angry. A lot. Only, i never say anything, i hide it all behind smiles and jovial banter and i post it all on here, so i come across as this person who is full of anger and resentment, when this is not the case. Everyone gets angry or mad or pissed.. its only natural… i probably should talk to people about it, its just that…lol. Anyways, I put myself on a social media 'time out' to reboot my system. Kinda like to find myself, and also find an alternative means to let out steam.. I didn't find a sure proof way yet, but i will definitely make an effort to be a little less dark or mad on here.. And like the good reverend tweeted yesterday, 'anger is one letter short of danger..' it is probably the most dangerous emotion, and i shouldn't allow it to get the better of me… how many of us have done things we knew we'd regret when we were angry… i know i have, but let me not 'cast' (implicate) myself on here..haha
That being said, i noticed i aint wrote anything since before Christmas last year.. wow.. Hope everyone had a good Christmas/New year's.. And hope y'all didn't overindulge on the 'turkey and fried rice'… I know i did, and now, i gotta put in extra time at the gym to pay for my 'sins'… *sigh*. like my ass needs to go down about 20 dress sizes right about now.. *sigh* but this post aint about my body (or booty), so i'll stop.. maybe my next post? we'll see…
My break was good, thanks for asking :) the time out period was kinda productive too. I got in touch with my emotions/feelings etc. A lot happened during my hiatus.. like a lot. but I can't really remember most of it, and as i don't like giving incomplete/incorrect stories, i shall let it But not to worry, i know i will have plenty to talk about in the coming weeks :) hopefully, it will all be entertaining in a good way, of course.
How does oao feel right now, at this particular moment in time… well, she's… not mad… not 'happy' either (i put happy in parenthesis, because i believe the term is relative) but i'm about to go and put myself in check, before it spirals into angry energy… lol..
we'll i've got to go now… i will write again soon.. sooner than y'all think too.. I kinda missed writing on here… and i'm excited about my next post, even though i have no idea what it's going to be about.. haha. will try to write again before the sun sets… 'till then, stay blessed, and sexy too ;)
~the ever so sexy~
ps: i finally got on tumblr... -still don't know how to use it properly, and most of my posts are 'reblogged'.. but oh well :)