I guess the saying is true, you can't please everyone.
Good day guys, my grown and sexy blog readers… how y'all been? I know its been a while, i aint wrote anything on here in a minute, and it was intentional too. The other day, a young chap said to me, "oao, i am worried about you. your posts are so dark and contain so much anger, its like you are angry at the world or something…" This made me think for a minute… this aint 'the diary of a mad black woman'.. why am i writing like one? sure, i do get angry, sometimes, but if you do know me for real, you would know that this in reality is a complete 180 from who i am 'in real life'… well not really.. The truth of the matter is that i do get angry. A lot. Only, i never say anything, i hide it all behind smiles and jovial banter and i post it all on here, so i come across as this person who is full of anger and resentment, when this is not the case. Everyone gets angry or mad or pissed.. its only natural… i probably should talk to people about it, its just that…lol. Anyways, I put myself on a social media 'time out' to reboot my system. Kinda like to find myself, and also find an alternative means to let out steam.. I didn't find a sure proof way yet, but i will definitely make an effort to be a little less dark or mad on here.. And like the good reverend tweeted yesterday, 'anger is one letter short of danger..' it is probably the most dangerous emotion, and i shouldn't allow it to get the better of me… how many of us have done things we knew we'd regret when we were angry… i know i have, but let me not 'cast' (implicate) myself on here..haha
That being said, i noticed i aint wrote anything since before Christmas last year.. wow.. Hope everyone had a good Christmas/New year's.. And hope y'all didn't overindulge on the 'turkey and fried rice'… I know i did, and now, i gotta put in extra time at the gym to pay for my 'sins'… *sigh*. like my ass needs to go down about 20 dress sizes right about now.. *sigh* but this post aint about my body (or booty), so i'll stop.. maybe my next post? we'll see…
My break was good, thanks for asking :) the time out period was kinda productive too. I got in touch with my emotions/feelings etc. A lot happened during my hiatus.. like a lot. but I can't really remember most of it, and as i don't like giving incomplete/incorrect stories, i shall let it slide..lol.. But not to worry, i know i will have plenty to talk about in the coming weeks :) hopefully, it will all be entertaining in a good way, of course.
How does oao feel right now, at this particular moment in time… well, she's… not mad… not 'happy' either (i put happy in parenthesis, because i believe the term is relative) but i'm about to go and put myself in check, before it spirals into angry energy… lol..
we'll i've got to go now… i will write again soon.. sooner than y'all think too.. I kinda missed writing on here… and i'm excited about my next post, even though i have no idea what it's going to be about.. haha. will try to write again before the sun sets… 'till then, stay blessed, and sexy too ;)
~the ever so sexy~
ps: i finally got on tumblr... http://onlyforthegrownandsexy.tumblr.com/ -still don't know how to use it properly, and most of my posts are 'reblogged'.. but oh well :)
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