lol. I don't know why I put that picture on there. I think it's funny. But yea, so what to write about today....? I'm kinda stuck... and it sucks.. oh well, i feel like writing nonetheless, so i'm gonna do it damnit! (pardon my french). Hmmmm....
Wait, so everyone knows oao can be quite the workout fiend (even though she has been slacking lately.. no bueno) . So i'm going to make this post sort of like a collage of funny workout pictures i've come across.. and i'll try to put a running commentary on the side.. fye (for y'alls entertainment :)lol
Here goes....

doesn't he look sexy (when you cover his face).. lol.. bloody show off.. and he looks like he knows it too.. look at that grin.. and those biceps and quads... i'm sure he's on that 'juice'..llol

haha! homie looks like he's bout to die.. lol. i don't know if the cloud behind him is gas.. or air...lol! but you gotta commend him for making the effort though.. he'll soon be like the buff dude in the picture up top (if he keeps chasing it long enough)

aww... how cute.. the female in the picture looks like she's about to pass out.lol..the funny thing is that that'll be me too.. only i would probably look like i was about to slap the waiter.. "what nonsense".. and the guy is like "you think that's for me? are you kidding me? gtfoh with that mess" haha.. cute.
and finally, this one is just plain funny. she's so determined and full of optimism at first... until she see's someone who's 'genetically gifted'. well, i wonder is the smaller (blonde and lighter-skinned babe, i'm sure she had blue eyes too.. ain't it funny how there's a set standard for what is desirable? I know it's cartoon, but if it was an actual photograph the 'model chic' would be photoshop'ed and airbrushed to look so 'perfect' that only a fool would think it was real/untouched. Who's to say there's anything wrong with the 'fat chic'..lol.. (i mean, she may want a different body.. but only if it because she wants it, not because she thinks she needs it to be beautiful.. *sigh*..) anyway..lol.. i know i look at some women and i'm like dang, i want her body (guess i'm guilty too, huh) at the end of the day, i don't think anyone is truly satisfied.. there's always that 'if only'... or 'i just need..' the trick is to love yourself regardless of what you don't like, and if it bothers you so much, work at fixing it, while not forgetting to love you..haha. okay, so i wrote more than necessary on that one.. but yea..lol.
Okay, gotta go now.. hope this post was entertaining.. at least a little bit..?
Stay sexy people.. and remember to get your workout on today, even if it means walking to the tv to turn it on, as opposed to using the remote (you can then go on to use the remote to switch channels) or walking the long way to the freezer to get that tub of ice cream, the key is to burn extra calories...haha
~the fit and oh so sexy~
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