Friday, September 3, 2010

Music and me

Okay, so i've been gone for a minute (almost a month.. not too bad this A LOT has happened since my last post... so much so that it seems like the last one was written eons ago...smh. I wish i could say most of what transpired has been 'good' but yea.. that would be a lie.. and i'm tryna live right so yea.. haha.. Hasn't been all bad though.. Definately learned a lot about myself and life in general.. so i can't complain much.. :)

anyways... done with the intro and all that... I have not really got anything in particular to write about... okay, i lie.. I do have a lot on my mind (excess baggage kinda 'lot' but i don't know where to start or if i'm even ready to 'share'... *shrugs*.. so yea.. once again i shall go on about 'nothing' :-D.. Now, some may ask "Is it by force for her to blog, she aint got nothing to say.. why she gotta write though?" well yea, it's by force!! 'Fi mi le'.. I think its kinda lame to have a blog and not update it regularily.. even if people don't read :-P (I DO hope people do read this though.. PLEASE read my blog.. pretty please.. :-D lol)

This post is dedicated to Music... Haven't done a proper music post in a while.. So yea, i think one is in order.. Plus music helps take my mind off things and helps elevate my mood sometimes (psych talk).. I can get high of music.. *sigh* :) lol. Going to put the top 5 most requested (lol) or played songs on my ipod.. In no particular order other than one must come before the other.. (i've always wanted to say that..haha) Here goes!

1. AIN'T THINKING ABOUT YOU - Chris Brown & Tyga

"I just wanna have a good time,
keep you out my mind,
find a little shawty I like.."

my fav. line from the song... that and,

"but it's alright, it's okay
my blackberry's filled with
a whole bunch of women.."

"Used to be you that I liked,
but I'm gonna do what I like

Let's just say I love the whole song..hehe.. And Tyga is actually a decent lyricist.. He finally made me a fan.. that's not an easy feat to accomplish..

It's so ironic too, or should i say strange because if you know me, you know I'm not a CB fan.. But I won't lie.. I'm quite feeling his new cd/mixtape.. It's like homeboy is tryna win my heart back... He can't though.. Cos I'm married to Ri-Ri. Me and Chris will just have to be friends... *sigh*


2. ALL I WANT IS YOU- Miguel & J. Cole

"At best all they do is distract me but now,
deep down, when I face it, all I want is you.."

Another song i'm in love with atm... I don't know why.. Cos the 'story-line' is kinda um... well, dumb. I mean, he wants her now that she's gone.. Implying that she was once there.. with him.. and then he fucked shit up.. And now she's just supposed to just come back... Haha.. jokes.

"Cos they don't smile or smell like you,
cos they don't make me laugh, or even cook like you
girl they don't photograph.. nah they don't sex like you
let's face it, i can't replace it..
all i want is you.."

lol. How cute... You live and you learn though.. Next time don't do such, you hear. Don't let her go..haha. Still love the song.. been listening to it non-stop for a couple of weeks now... and it doesn't look like i'm gonna get tired of it any time soon...


3. SINGLE - Lil' Wayne

"And I aint tripping on nothing,
I'm sipping on something..
and my homeboy say he got a bad
bitch for me tonight.." ;-)

Mehn Weezy sounds mad 'breezy' on that one..haha.. Sound like he on cloud 9... Especially right before he goes, "Polo T-shirt, Polo drawers".. haha.. Listen to it well.. sounds like he took a puff right I don't blame him.. the beat/backing track (think that's what its sounds like one of them records that was made to get high to... Don't ask me how I know.. I heard people talk. But yea.. I love that song.. it's mad chilled...

"Put your hands up if you're single for the night.." - so after the night what happens though?smh.. Anyways.. My hand is up... "Yea, I'm single, nigga had to cancel that bitch like nino.." haha


4. HOLDING YOU DOWN - Jazmine Sullivan

"Its a shame that you don't care enough to even give me half the love I give to you.."

"I'm ashamed to say that I'm to blame for how you act.. Cos I keep coming back.."

I pray that never happens to me. Amen! lol... On the real though.. then it goes,

"I feel so stupid... foolish 'loving' you this way.."

You should. Dumb broad..haha.. #nodisrespect.. But how you gonna go back to a nigga who aint treat you right? I don't understand.. You know he doing wrong, you know he's trifling and its hard to let go? Really. How..? Why..? Well let me not talk too much.. I'm going to fast and pray that I never find my self in such a situation.. Cos if I do.. hmm.. Let me not talk too much..

"I'll stay cos I love you but I hate that I stay..
you know I won't go that's why you treat me this way..
I wanna be happy though it hurts me so bad
don't know what it is that keeps me coming back.."

Smh at the whole scenario.. If that's what 'love' does, then I don't want. Thanks. I'm not But then again, it's only a song, right? Shit like that don't happen in real life.. *sideeye*


5. LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE - Eminem & Rhianna

Okay, I don't like it. In fact, I HATE being lied to.. I however, like the song.. well, only the hook.. (i'm in love with Rihanna (#nohomo... well maybe a little.. ;) I have no idea what that boy was going on about.. Only heard "next time there will be no next time.." and then something about burning a house down..? Why that dude gotta be so violent though..?smh..

Bonus track... cos i like y'all so much... :-D

GOT YOUR BACK - T.I & Keri Hilson...

"When we're high, when we're low
when I promise I will never let you go
said I got I got I got your back boy.."

"Keep my swagga, keep it looking good for ya
keep it looking hood for ya.."

Awww. I love this song cos it's about love.. lol.. Like the proper love that people should have/want. The kind that makes a little sense. Not dysfunctional love. It's a damn shame that T.I and Tiny just got in trouble (again!-boy, you don't want to learn?smh..) But yea.. The song is hott... I hope I meet someone that makes me like 'feel' the song, if you know what I mean. Anyways I hope my man T.I doesn't have to go away again. and i wish him and Tiny the best.. they actually make quite a cute couple.. Can't hate on them.

Now that i think about it, there's more songs.. like 'I just haven't met you yet'- Michael Bubble; B.M.F - Ricky Rose; 'The man who can not be moved' - The Script; 'Te Amo' - 'Rihanna; Cooler than Me' - Mike Posner; DEUCES!!!!! - Chris Brown and Tyga! i think i need to dedicate that one to a couple motherf*$#!s.. but, nah... I'll let it slide.. I see y'all m.f's though... Don't think I don't.. haha.. It's all love though.. Like really.. lol.. But I should do a post about some m.fs soon.. hmm... lol. We'll see..

Anyways.. I've gotta be out.. need to 'work on my fitness', my gym life's been dulling atm.. tres sad.. i need to fix that asap, cos it's not cool at all.. But I don't know how/what to do anymore.. *sigh* Then I've got school work.. among other things i gotta deal with.. *doublesigh*.. I shall try to write again soon.. Deuces!(lol)

*~the ever sexy~*

ps: I hope that y'all 'missed me a little when i was gone'.. *said in Drake voice*lol

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