Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Soccer randomness

It's world cup season.. and world cup fever is 'catching' Even people who hate the sport and are clueless as to what the game is about are hosting viewing parties and tweeting about the game like they could play! Anyways, yayy! soccer/football (whatever you want to call it), it's bringing the world together (lol) we need more of that.

This post is as random as the last Got a few emails that I thought were quite funny and was feeling nice enough to share... Here goes;

1. This one is titled,

'Advice for your significant other...ignore at your own risk. '

1. Between 11 June and 11 July 2010, you should read the sports section of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World of Soccer, and that way you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail to do this, then you will be looked at in a bad way, or you will be totally ignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention.

2. During the World Cup, the television is mine, at all times, without any exceptions. If you even take a glimpse of the remote control, you will lose it (your eye).

3. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don't mind, as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without distracting me.

4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I require a refill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of your mind if you expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick up the baby that just fell on the floor....It won't happen.

5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least 2 six packs in the fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on (excluding your body parts), and please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 12am and 6am, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day.

6. Please, please, please!! If you see me upset because one of my team is losing, DO NOT say "get over it, it's only a game", or "don't worry, they'll win next time". If you say these things, you will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know more about football than me and your so called "words of encouragement" will only lead to a break up or divorce.

7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to me during halftime but only when the commercials are on, and only if the half time scores is pleasing me. In addition, please note I am saying "one" game; hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to "spend time together".
8. The replays of the goals are very important. I don't care if I have seen them or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again, Many times.

9. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because:
a) I will not go,
b) I will not go, and
c) I will not go.

10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch a game, we will be there in a flash.

11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just as important as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying "but you have already seen this...why don't you change the channel to something we can all watch?" because, the reply will be, "Refer to Rule #2 of this list".

12. And finally, please save your expressions such as "Thank God the World Cup is only every 4 years". I am immune to these words, because before and after this comes the Champions League,Premier League, Super 14, Spanish League, KPL, Grand Prix, Tri Nations, hell, even WrestleMania, etc.


By the way if you get stuck on the road call 911 or RAPID RESPONSE SQUAD cos I won’t pick my phone.

Ladies, follow these rules and I guarantee the love that ur significant other has for you will skyrocket within a month lol. Take advice from an crazed football fine like myself ;-) hehehe

Yea, right.. if you like call yourself my boyfriend and ignore your phone when i call/txt/bbm because the game was on... or say I can't watch any of my shows.. And we'll see what happens...

The second is a video dubbed 'The Worst Miss of the World Cup', and this miss was wonderfully performed by none other than one of Nigeria's finest, Yakubu Aiyegbeni, who apparently plays for Chelsea.. Hmm... Anyways, here's a video of his spectacular gaffe, that prevented Nigeria from going through to the next round and also cost the players their proposed $30,000 bonuses.. Shame on you Yakubu! Shame.. *sigh* then again, he wasn't the only player on the team, was he?

ps: the 'soundtrack' to the clip may get on your nerves (i think it's funny) so you may wanna turn the sound low/off...

Oh and did you see his face after the miss?? Hilarious.. Haha. I wonder what was running through his mind, and what I wanna know is how much he got paid by the other team to screw Nigeria up like I'm not saying I could have done a better job (even though I'm sure i could..) but then again, I'm not getting paid to do so. And his fuck up was so incredible (lol) that the non-Nigerian coach had to put his hands on his head, classic 9ja I love soccer.

One more thing... special #shoutout to the homie, Vincent Enyeama.. You go boyy! (said in Martin Voice) it woulda been cool if he had stopped one or both of South Korea's goals yesterday (lol) but still he more than did well and deserves a medal/award for his overall performance which was nothing short of outstanding...

Oh (lol) and is it just me, or is this year's world cup is all kinds of strange? Like for instance France is out, due to some silly high-school female kinda drama (displayed by grown-ass men..smh), England's performance, nothing to write home about.. USA surprisingly doing well (another #shoutout to Oguchi!! the hottest hottie on the team) I think it's just luck And then Portugal's 7-0 win against N. Korea..haha.. Epic. How you gonna lose 7-0 in the world cup? Com'on boys.. (btw Ronaldo..*sigh*.. he can get it!)

My prediction for who get's the cup this year.. either Brazil or Argentina. I hope it's Brazil.. Even though Maradona makes me laugh everytime he comes on

Anyways.. This was one long-ass 'random' post, huh.. I need to go now.. I know I'm supposed to have put up a post about working out and dieting, but my minds been kinda confused about them topics lately, so it's kinda hard for me to come up with something that makes sense.. But I will soon snap out of it, and get back on top of my gym game.. :-)

~the ever sexy~


Saturday, June 19, 2010

More randomness..

Hmmm... This is weird... I've got like a million and one things on my mind right now.. but still, I'm unable to come up with a topic to blog about... sad, very sad.. But oh well, i shall ramble on and talk about everything and nothing at the same time (it's a skill i have mastered)lol.

Okay first of, i'm going to talk about how there's too many 'wo-wo' guys now. Asin, they did nt try at all... Thank God I'm not looking for anyone atm.. cos i'd probably be frustrated as a

Second, I'm going to ask/pose this question... why do some ugly as shit people think they have the audacity to feel/act fresh... I know they say, 'I think therefore I am'.. well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and no matter how much YOU think you're attractive, if other people do not agree or think the same Let me tell you a secret, be humble, even if you as foine as Tyrese or Tyson, don't feel like everyone has to complement your #random

Then I shall talk about how it's almost as if monogamy is nothing but a myth these days, and it's almost as if people are required/expected to be unfaithful.smh.. And how I was talking bout how it would be difficult for me to be a marriage counselor right now, cos when people come to me, i'd go, "I'm so sorry for your distress. However I do know a really good divorce lawyer..."lol.. Which is really bad, because like i think divorce is wrong, very wrong, on every level.. but i anyways,,

I think I tweet too much and i'm gonna 'tweet' a few lines from a past TT (trending topic-lol) '#iconfess'..

1. #iconfess i kinda suck at working on that though.. :-)
2. #iconfess i'm not a naturally nice person.. have/had to work at it..
3. #iconfess i actually like being by myself... and get irritated when i have to be around people i dont like for too long (i.e for more than 5 minutes)
4. #iconfess sometimes i get 'drawn' to some people, and want them to be around me 24/7 and when they aint, i miss them like ish.. :-(
5. #iconfess i make mistakes like all the time.. but in a way, i think people learn better by making mistakes and getting burned so to say.. still, i'm earnestly working on becoming the best version of me..
6. #iconfess that i hate talking.. but at the same time i hate silence! i love it when people talk to me.. :-)

and last but not least,

7. #iconfess that half the time i'm talking, i have no idea what i'm going on about..haha

anyways, i'm tired of rambling.. i'm gonna put two songs i'm really feeling (lol) at the moment; Usher's there goes my baby.. Love that song. And Gyptian's Hold Yuh.. that song makes me wish i knew how to dance properly.. *sigh*.. have to go now.. gots shits to sort out.. (mostly get something to and things to do... It's gonna be a long day.. :-)

~the increasingly sexy~


ps: I know i'm supposed to have written a post about working out... it's long (and i'm lazy).. promise to put one up today/tomorrow.

Monday, June 14, 2010

When will you quit settling??

This is a question I ask myself daily and I am now posing to you. When oh when, daughters of Zion, are you going to stop settling and start making choices?
When I say choices, I mean active choices that reflect what you want and not what you think you can do ok wit. Key word here is OK How many people wanna do just OK in life? You just wanna do OK, not great?? Didn’t think so. So why on God’s green earth do you go about making OK choices? Can you please be proactive about your own life? I mean, I mean even if you don’t care about other people can you please care about yourself???

What exactly is she on about? , You ask. Well, my question is why do women settle? I’ve been asking myself this question for about a week now. And it just won’t leave me, no mater how hard I try to suppress it so I decided to devote some time to address it.

If you have a man that is not who/what you want, can you please dump him?? Like right now, for real. Can you just save us all the trouble? By us I mean the entire body of individuals who call themselves women on the face of this earth. If he doesn’t make you happy now, why do you think he will make you happy later on?? A smart woman once said about shopping that the store is where you like it best. Please women, open your eyes and brains and please realize that the store is synonymous to the relationship you’re in now if you’re not already hitched. Anybody who makes you cry yourself to sleep or puts you in one of those moods that gives you that stank attitude you usually put on for no damn reason is not worth it. Why? Because I believe that women should stop cutting men some slack like they are some extinct creature that needs to be preserved. A simple tip for you: Treat your ‘man’ (boyfriend, FB, FWB, jump-off, fiancĂ© e.t.c or whatever it is you call him, all na the same) like you would one of your friends. Extend the same respect to him and expect the same back and see what changes. I doubt any of you ladies will keep a friend who makes you cry or makes you feel like crap close to you. Some of you would avoid said friend like the plague (If you don’t, you need some one-on-one time with my friend Oyinwa, she’ll shrink you till you’re normal once again). So why oh why do these male appendages get privileges, sometimes even without proving themselves? Then you wonder why you’re always getting hurt…. KMT

In the words of another one of my friends, it’s because women are always doing the most. What does it mean to do the most? Doing the most means you are excessively invested in something to the point where you begin to embarrass yourself (caveat: for those of you who still have some shame left; Lord knows many ladies can’t even pretend to have any left). When you do the most, may I just point out to you that you end up looking damned THIRSTY! (I will not go into what the specifics of being ‘thirsty’ are today. That will be addressed on a different day and through a different medium.
When will you ladies start reading the writings that have been on the wall since the Old Testament? When will the scales fall from your eyes? When will you start actively making choices instead of just settling and going with the flow? Clearly, a man who is not as reliable as one of your friends should be sacked as soon as possible. As a human being myself (I’m actually not a Martian, contrary to popular belief), I don’t believe in setting impossible standards for guys. Not because my standards aren’t high. But because one fine day just like this one, I realized that many men don’t even pass the base standards we have when we decide who will be our friends or who will be a mere acquaintance; why then bother my pretty head trying to think up new hurdles for a dog that cant seem to learn old tricks (or more aptly, cant even learn the warm-up routine?) It’s as simple as that, no need to get your panties in a wad trying to ‘test’ your man.

This naturally leads to the question of respect. Anyone with a brain in his or her skulls knows that whatever you cannot live with you should never condone. If there are things bothering you now, can you please cut yourself loose like right now?? Someone who knows they can get away with doing bad by you needs to go HOME. Like right now too. Where is it written that you need to accommodate foolwangery and settle for bullshit??? Can you please take some action and boot the dude?? When your gut tells you that you’re being disrespected/taken for granted, you probably are. So can you move on please?? Some common examples include but are not limited to:
a) Said ‘man’ is not really over his ex (this one should be a no-brainer but, cough-cough with the kind of thirst some girls are exhibiting nowadays…..)
b) Said ‘man’ does not attempt to understand/respect how you feel about certain issues
c) Said ‘man’ does not attempt to correct errant behavior when he does bad by you but expects to just roll into motion like nothing happened. E.t.c, e.t.c

Note that I do not have a solution/ trick that solves any of these issues. I just know that if any of the above scenarios looks anything like yours, you do NOT have a man, so go ahead and live your life as though you were SINGLE. In actual fact, you probably are already on the way there so get some practice, ok. I’m not recommending bar/bed-hopping or any ungodly behavior; what I’m saying rather is that you should begin to make choices that will make you happy. Take charge of your own damn life and body, sack the losing bastard and reward yourself. When you are done with all of this, you will find that you are not so damn thirsty anymore (at least I’d like to hope). And this will be a good thing because thirsty is/was never a good place to be.

Kudos people,
The Martian :-)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Now I aint Sayin' she a GOLD DIGGAH... But... haha

"Now, I aint saying she a gold-digger, but she aint messing with no broke niggas..."lol

This post is dedicated (lol) to a dear and special friend of mines (*blushes*) and sweetheart.. who kinda suggested it as a topic when i told him i was stuck and needed something to write about.. So here goes..

It's gonna be a tad difficult for me to write about this whole 'gold-digging' business, not because I am a gold digger (aww, hell naw, I am very grateful to God, that I got my own.. It is not by my power nor my might or anything I did, but by the Spirit, Favor and Grace of God.. :-) okay, back to the topic. It'll be hard, cos it kinda makes sense for girls to go after the guys who live the lavish life-style, cos think about it, who doesn't want

I'm going to try and write about this from like both sides, i.e. from both a male and female perspective, but once again it will be a little difficult for me to do so.

For one, I don't see too many of these guys who are 'flossing' and getting all the girls complaining much.. I mean, that's partly why they're flaunting their money in the first place, to 'collect' girls/babes (lol).. Like all the high profile guys.. Politicians, Athletes, Wall Street dudes, Musicians and such they're all in it to get it so to say.. And if anyone of them should come to me and tell me that they actually believe that these tricks/heifers/hoes really do care about them or would talk to them if they had no 'loot'.. I would refer them to the nearest psychiatric hospital.. To be frank and honest, material possessions attract attention (whether wanted or not), from both sexes..

Now, I am NOT saying that guys (or girls, cos there are male gold-diggers, believe me, i have seen a few in my shouldn't aspire to do great things, drive the fanciest cars or live in the biggest mansions... No, don't let anyone/situation stifle your dreams, BUT y'all should be able to filter and funnel the attention.. Know who loves you for you, and who loves you for what you got, and relate to each accordingly.

On the other hand, there's guys saying that girls only go after the lavish guys... and that the guys who are chilling and not so out there are getting the short end of the stick.. That is true in part, but see, these dude should see this as a good thing, cos I'm telling you, y'all don't want these type of girls.. trust me. These girls are 'dangerous'.. You know, like the Kardinal Offishal and Akon They will suck a n!$$@ dry.. and not in the way he'd like..lmao!! Seriously though. They are evil.

I know I said I was going to try and write this from both sides.. and I take great pride in the fact that for the most part, I think very much like a guy.. But with this gold-digging business, it's kinda hard for me because I can't hate on the girls, it's not their fault.. It's like the way that flies are attracted to light.. they can't help it.. Its up to the guys to swat them away.. thing is most guys are weak.. thats the reason they will say it is 'natural' for a man to cheat? I'm like wth..? Why would it me more natural for a he than a she.. but lemme me get off that, less I digress.. That issue will be addressed in another post..

So yea, gold digging is BAD.. Ladies, don't do it. Fella's don't buy into it.. and if you do.. Tough luck.. You get what you deserve.. Come to me when you need therapy to deal with the emotional trauma/stress that comes with it.. and if you need a divorce counselor, I'm also available..haha. Okay, I'll be nice. I know it's not always peoples fault.. Like sometimes it's like the 'condition wey make the crayfish bend' (lol-that expression cracks me up) kinda situation.. so if it happens to anyone.. come and talk to me.. i'll lend you my shoulder to cry

Okay, I kinda ran out of things to say on the topic.. and my good friend *coughs* is m.i.a, so I can't really ask him for his input.. But if i think of anything else.. I'll definitely do a follow up post.. I'm partly stuck cos was thinking about going to the gym.. (missed my yoga class cos I was writing so I hope y'all appreciate it!!)

Kk, I've got to go like NOW... gotta go workout and stuff.. of which, my next post might be about that.. like working out and living a healthy life-style.. taking a couple classes related to that, and i'm kinda obsessed with it atm.. lol. hope i stay that way.. anyways.. i'll definately be putting something up tomorrow. BYE!

...the fit and sexy...


ps: here's a couple songs/video's (one from a female's point of veiw, and another from a males.. Enjoy.. :-)